La tienda online de mochilas de diseño más original de nuestro país cumple un año desde que surgió como una alternativa original y atrevida de llevar tus cosas de manera cómoda pero sin tener que renunciar a tu estilo y personalidad.
En estos tiempos de crisis siempre es arriesgado emprender un negocio, pero con mucho esfuerzo y creatividad en 2011 nació la idea de Mochilata®, y en menos de un año se ha convertido en la tienda online de mochilas que está revolucionando internet.
Las redes sociales sin duda han impulsado su alcance a nivel nacional, - y estamos a punto de abrir fronteras a nivel europeo -, pero sobre todo la aceptación y confianza por parte de los clientes, así como el boca a boca dan a la tienda una garantía de calidad que hoy en día es de agradecer.
Cada vez son más los que se deciden por este accesorio, y se han convertido en el regalo perfecto para cumpleaños y Navidades, con precios anti-crisis, sin renunciar a la calidad del producto.
"Somos demasiado originales para tener siempre los mismos modelos", por eso Mochilata® está en continua actualización, ofreciendo siempre telas y diseños a la última en tendencias, moda y estilos. En definitiva, mochilas modernas que nada tienen que envidiar a los bolsos de toda la vida...
No dejes de visitar la tienda de la que todo el mundo habla y descubre un mundo de posibilidades:
¡¡¡ Feliz 1º Aniversario Mochilata !!!
¡¡¡ Feliz 1º Aniversario Mochilata !!!
Today we are honored to celebrate with you the first anniversary of Mochilata®.
The design backpacks online store more original of our country marks one year since emerged as an alternative to original and daring to bring your things in comfort without having to sacrifice your style and personality.
In these times of crisis is always risky to start a business, but with hard work and creativity in 2011 the idea of Mochilata® emerged, and in less than a year has become the online store that is revolutionizing internet.
Social networks have certainly boosted its nationwide reach, - and we are about to open borders at European level - but above all the acceptance and trust of customers and word of mouth to give the store a quality assurance is now appreciated.
Increasingly, those who choose this accessory, and have become the perfect gift for birthdays and Christmas, with anti-crisis prices, without sacrificing product quality.
"We are too original to always have the same models" so Mochilata® is continuously updated, always offering fabrics and designs to the latest trends, fashion and styles. In short, modern backpacks that have nothing to envy the boring bags ...
Be sure to visit the store where everyone talks and discovers a world of possibilities:
The design backpacks online store more original of our country marks one year since emerged as an alternative to original and daring to bring your things in comfort without having to sacrifice your style and personality.
In these times of crisis is always risky to start a business, but with hard work and creativity in 2011 the idea of Mochilata® emerged, and in less than a year has become the online store that is revolutionizing internet.
Social networks have certainly boosted its nationwide reach, - and we are about to open borders at European level - but above all the acceptance and trust of customers and word of mouth to give the store a quality assurance is now appreciated.
Increasingly, those who choose this accessory, and have become the perfect gift for birthdays and Christmas, with anti-crisis prices, without sacrificing product quality.
"We are too original to always have the same models" so Mochilata® is continuously updated, always offering fabrics and designs to the latest trends, fashion and styles. In short, modern backpacks that have nothing to envy the boring bags ...
Be sure to visit the store where everyone talks and discovers a world of possibilities: